Through our photos and narratives, we hope to encourage wildlife conservation; highlight the challenges of conservation and issues that are threatening our wildlife and nature.

“Man has to realize that he is an integral part of nature, that he is just as much a natural form as a seagull or a wave, or a mountain. And if he doesn’t recognize that, he uses his technical powers to destroy his environment …
to foul his own nest.” ~ Alan Watts

With humanity’s ever expanding footprints, prioritizing our immediate needs and greed’s on the expense of Earth that sustains all living, has detrimental effect on the entire ecosystem; depleting natural resources; rapid decline of wildlife and species extinction, it is no longer a revelation – it’s the inconvenient truth. It is real.
Who we are
It is not about us. Love Nature PhiX is about documenting nature and wildlife in all form in its beauty before it becomes history and a fading memory.